Pioneer's edgeless fullrange
Why I build closed enclosures properly is because I didn't know
how to
calculate parameters of bass reflex system.
2 Differences between air cannon and
bass reflex
Open a small hole to a paper box, it is an air cannon. When you
one side of box, mass of air flies out of the hole. The shape of
the air
is like a donut. You'll find it on slow video. On the other hand
bass reflex
system has a duct with length. Therefore the air in the duct is
and later pulled by the air suspension in the box. These mass and
suspension colaborates into duct resonnance
And if ever duct is too short, bass reflex will be an air cannon.
3 Long duct vs. short duct
The method to calculate fd of Helmholtz resonatoris as follows.
For example when we build on enclosure which fd is 100Hz,
We can make one with such a long duct,
or with such a short duct. Which is better?
4 Enclosure with a short duct
I'll build enclosures with small duct because I have ones with
long duct
( In the case of FE103 diameter is 93mm, and pioneer 8cm diameter
is 72mm)
5 8cm edgeless unit
This time 8cm edgeless unit is employed which is use in pioneer's
This unit is inner attachment type, so
precise round hole is needed. For this
purpose trimmer is very good. When I cut wood smokes, for the
produces much heat.
Port was cut with drill. To perform that was rather difficult.
Pine wood was
employed to build. It looks beautiful.
6 Impedance (bare unit)
Duct length 4.5cm
It looks queer. The sound is out of balance.
Duct length 6cm
Frequency response
Fd is rather high, but the sound is good.
Duct length 7.5cm
Bass guitar sound is away. Notes are only trace. To hear these
notes effort
is compelled. I think there are many products like this which is
tuned out
of music notes. If we bought these products, tone controls or
other devices works
in vain.
After all duct length became 6cm. This time no paint was emploed.
(August 20, 2000)
Appendix(Acoustic tuning method)
I invented new method to tune duct. Holding a speaker with one
hand taps cone
lightly by a finger.Taping sound is taken by microphones into
computer and
observed its spectrum.
Peak is read as 150.7Hz
Peak is read as 150Hz
foc is read as 226Hz
Bass reflex has a merit to boost bass reproduction by staggered
Especially when we reproduce electric bass guitar sound, setting
fo as 220Hz
and fd as 150Hz is very effective as well as when reproducing
double bass.
Drived with AST amplifier
Ordinay low output impedance amplifier is not enough for this
system. YAMAHA's AST amplifier with current positive feedback
work well.
above: Kaneta's method flat amplifier
below: YAMAHA YST-M15