Fostex FE203 back-loaded horn system  

  This system was build to compare with Axiom 80. Both are fullrange speakers,
but their character is different from each other.

  In my opinion Axiom80 is good at female chorus, percussion, chamber music.The
sound is pure and high speed.

  FE203 system is good at ultra hi-fi sources, sheffield, telarc, and so on.The sound is
dynamic and clear.

 Technics 5HH10 horn tweeter is added. Low cut filter is -6dB type, and capacitor is
Soshin V2A polycarbonate film capacitor. That was better than Λ capacitor by hearing
test. But both are not available by now.

  Impedance (Bare unit)

  Impedance(In the enclosure)

  Frequency response

  with tweeter

  in front of the Horn
