@@Primitive single amplifiers
@@When I was making several headphone amps, I found that
single amp has sweet and
natural tone. So I tried to design single power amp.
No. P@Bipolar amp
@Very simple circuit. As the value of Re is large as 39 Ά, it
can go without thermal
compensation. However some transistor is going to heat up to
No.2@lnr|edssingle amp
@@I tried Toshiba K405. Tone
character was rather gentle. Bias part can be more
simple at first stage.
No.3@u|edssingle amp
@@This amp was successful.@It was of good use with
No.4@DC amp
@@I made this, because I happened to find metalclad resistor.
This goes to high
temperature.The sound was dull compared to that of Kaneta amp.
@@After those days I made drain output amplifiers, so all
these amplifiers became
dead stocks.